Springtime Styled Shoot

On the corner of a busy intersection sits a beautiful white house covered in ivy and surrounded with blooming trees. It is a hidden gem, a throwback to a day when St. Mary's County, Maryland had one lane roads and few traffic lights. I remember this house at the end of its glory days. Sitting proudly at the corner where it has sat for decades, well manicured and freshly painted. Now it sits vacantly, overgrown and waiting for a developer to tragically tear it down to nothing.

For years I have been watching this home become vacant, overgrown and now for sale. I have always admired it, and the magnificent trees that grow around it, standing tall and unappreciated. I have a soft spot for old homes, I imagine the happiness that happened inside of them for years, the tragedies it has witnessed and how it still stands as a reminder of a time gone by. Everytime I see a home go the way of bulldozer, or an old farm covered with ticky tacky new homes I feel a loss, a pain, like a family member has died. My home, that I have loved, is changing so rapidly, and not always for the better. These feelings are a separate blog post though. (We just need to reuse and repurpose these old beautiful homes- okay okay I am getting off my soapbox now). 

I want to focus on this blog post on the beauty that surronds this pretty home, and my beautiful friend, Christina and my new partners in crime, Lindsay from Lulu Edward Photography  and Blaize of Blaize Bailey Photography. We had the best time working together (#communityovercompetition) and creating something beautiful together (in less than 24 hours I might add). Christina and her son were perfect models too! No need for direction, they felt as ease in front of the camera and became one with their beautiful surroundings. 

By the way, Christina is such an Earth mother that her and our friend Katy have recently opened up a natural parenting store in Leonardtown, Maryland.

Check out Marigold Baby!

I had to grab a few of Lindsay and her cute little guy 

I had to grab a few of Lindsay and her cute little guy